

Humility and Non-Judgment

You are the expert on yourself, your needs, your body, and your baby. Embracing Liminality is a guide to support and nurture clients in a non-judgmental and empowering way. Embracing Liminality actively works to reflect and uplift the different ways that we all see the world, through the lenses of our identities and lived experiences.


Radical Empathy

Radical empathy teaches fundamentally changing our perspectives from judgmental to accepting, in an attempt to more authentically connect with ourselves and others. Embracing Liminality applies radical empathy principles to times of transition, learning from the client what they need most.


Transitional spaces, particularly reproductive spaces, often invisibilize or further marginalize people of color, disabled people, trans and gender-nonconforming people, and fat people. While Elana doesn’t share any of those identities, Embracing Liminality is committed to centering, uplifting, and serving all clients as their full selves in all of their intersectional identities.



Embracing Liminality will work with you to make our services accessible to you. Accessibility is not a destination, but a path we are all walking - Elana is learning with humility how to best meet the access needs of her clients and will do her best to work with you to support any and all access needs - physical, emotional, or otherwise - that you have. We use a sliding scale fee model and can tailor our packages to meet your family’s particular needs.


Empowered birthing people and parents make healthier families. Healthy families can create strong communities. By providing clients with the knowledge and support to trust themselves and their innate ability to weather challenges, transformative change far beyond the family structure is possible.
We are stronger together.



Transitions can be incredibly stressful. A mindfulness approach can help clients find calm and ease during life-changing times, including cultivating our ability to to be fully present with ourselves and our new families. Mindfulness can empower us to tap into our internal resources of patience and joy.


Liminal space is:

[W]here we are betwixt and between the familiar and the completely unknown. There alone is our old world left behind, while we are not yet sure of the new existence. That’s a good space where genuine newness can begin. Get there often and stay as long as you can by whatever means possible…This is the sacred space where the old world is able to fall apart, and a bigger world is revealed.

— Richard Rohr